Coaching Corner

Why ICSA Requires Hair Testing for Drugs

By Mike Hitchcock, ICSA Safety Consultant

When we follow up with ICSA members to remind them to schedule themselves or their drivers for hair testing for drugs, we are often asked, “Why does ICSA require hair testing when DOT doesn’t?”

Hair testing is the only drug testing method available that provides up to a 90-day history of repetitive drug use. When compared with urine testing, hair testing tends to provide a greater number of positives due to its longer detection window. Research shows that the positive rate for hair testing is over 5% compared to a urine positive rate in the 2% range.

Some drugs (like Cocaine and Meth) can leave the system within 3-5 days, so if a habitual user can stay “clean” for five days he or she can pass a urine test. Not so with hair testing. Hair testing can detect drug use that urine testing misses. As an organization whose primary mission is safety, ICSA knows that hair testing can have a positive impact on improving highway safety by getting habitual drug users out of the truck and off the road. 

While hair testing is a requirement for members who wish to be covered through ICSA’s insurance services, the fact is that hair testing can mitigate risk and facilitate a healthier, safer work environment for ICSA members and all truck operators. Companies that publicize that they conduct hair testing may benefit from better quality candidates applying for driving jobs since candidates who are aware of an employer’s hair testing policy may choose to not apply. 

A drug free workplace is both a safer environment and a more productive environment. Data from the US Department of Labor has shown that illicit drug users are more likely to incur worker’s compensation claims, have higher health insurance costs, are more likely to be absent and are less productive compared to non-illicit drug users. Lost work productivity (including absenteeism and poor job performance) associated with substance abuse is estimated at a $197 billion a year in the U.S

From a risk management prospective, hair testing can help reduce litigation opportunities and result in lower claim and insurance costs. It is the BEST Practice in our industry and we at ICSA are committed to using this method to improve highway safety.

For more information, download the Drug Testing FAQs

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