ICSA and ATBS Partnered to Help YOU

Learn More About How ICSA Can Benefit You 


Contact ICSA and Join Today!


Benefits for Owner-Operators and Small Fleets

The Independent Carrier Safety Association (ICSA) is a non-profit dedicated to enhancing highway safety for single-truck operators and small fleets. We have partnered with ATBS to bring business services to these members. By meeting a few requirements, ICSA members are also eligible for essential safety tools, consulting, and training programs with little to no cost. 

ICSA member benefits include:

Access to affordable truck insurance

Discounts on in-cab cameras

Driver safety consulting

Cost-effective hair drug testing

✓ Discounts on many services, such as legal, health benefits, and business consulting

Education and safety training opportunities

✓ Many more helpful services

Join ICSA today to improve your company's safety!

Learn more about ICSA's partnership with ATBS:
Join ICSA to receive discounted access to the ATBS benefits mentioned in the webinar, as well as many other business and safety benefits.